End User License Agreement

This End-User License Agreement is between the individual purchaser or a business entity and Revit Template.

By purchasing this product, you agree to the terms and conditions.

License Grant

Subject to your ongoing compliance with this Agreement, Revit Template grants you a nonsublicensable, nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to use this product in accordance with the applicable User Documentation and within the scope of the License Parameters set forth below.

The license used for the individual download is perpetual and limited to the individual purchaser or entity unless approved prior to purchase by Revit Template. Users who wish to upgrade will need to purchase a new license.

Permitted and Prohibited Actions

Individuals or entities cannot resell, rent, repackage, redistribute, disassemble, or allow access to any original or altered versions of Revit Template product files without consent from Revit Template. You may not compile files or data from Revit Template to replicate a similar or competing service.

The products include features that are intended to be accessed by the individual purchaser or entities employees, contractors and agents. You are responsible for the actions of your Users, including failure of any of them to abide by the End user License Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Revit Template have any liability for any incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages; loss of profits, revenue, or data; business interruption, or cost of cover, including losses resulting from loss, misappropriation or unauthorized access to or modification of data, or from mistakes, omissions, or delays in transmission of information, or from the impact on any system.